How Does the Smart Cool'R work?
Air bubbles are caused as a result of higher temperatures, which means that temporarily no insulin is administered.
The cooling mat is pre-watered to enable it to charge.
It then cools for a period of 24 hours (depending on the outside temperature and humidity), on average to about 10-12 degrees below the body temperature of the wearer.
This occurs through the evaporation of the water.
This principle achieves a constant temperature of the insulin. It ensures that the insulin remains effective and also reduces the risk of air bubble formation.
This Diabetes Insulin Pouch / Pump is suitable to store the Type 1 pump manufactured by :
Why the Smart Cool'R :
Smart Cool'R is a company that has developed a cooling bag specifically designed for most of the insulin pumps currently available on the market.
At temperatures exceeding 25 to 30°C or77 to 86°F, insulin actually loses its effect and it can cause air bubbles to form in the ampoule leading ton increased blood sugar level.
Due to constant and preventive cooling fewer fluctuations in blood sugar levels occur.